Aptus - Startboost
- VendorAptus
StartBoost along with Fasilitor are the foundation products of the Aptus Premium Collection range. Aptus StartBoost is comprised of humic acid derived from leonardite, a natural source of humic acid mined from the Earth.Humic acid is filled with long chain carbon-based molecules that have an affinity for chelating elements from the soil; as such it may increase the uptake of micronutrients.
Directions for use:
- Use for the entire vegetative phase of growth and week 1 of flowering at the rate of 1ml per gallon
- Use alone at the rate of 1ml per liter for a dedicated seedling or rooted clone drench
- Dilute at the rate of 1:100 or 10ml per liter for a root dip solution for transplanting rooted cuttings.
Aptus - Startboost
- VendorAptus
SKU: AP12008
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