
7 products

  • Purpl Scientific Pro Kit

    Purpl Scientific Pro Kit

    Purpl Scientific Pro Kit  A hand-held solution that turns the user’s smartphone into a robust potency measurement system.   What's Included: Purpl Pro instant cannabis potency measurement device 1x White Reference Target (calibration puck) 1x Sample Holder 1x Charging Cord (USB type C) 1x Cleaning Brush 1x Grinder + Funnel Convenient Carry Case CULTIVATORS Cultivators turn a seed into a sellable crop, and have many decisions to make each step of the way. But the end goal is to make a consistent, high quality product that commands the best profit. Big agriculture uses a lot of analytical technology to achieve the same ultimate aims, but not all of that technology has made its way to cultivation. Purpl is based on the same technology used in agriculture (and pharmaceuticals) to instantly provide chemical information that helps optimize your crop. With Purpl, that technology allows you to instantly measure potency in dry flowers, and soon in growing plants. You might want to measure buds from different parts of the same plant to optimize your lighting setup. Or know which part of the field is producing your desired potency target. We’re sure you can come up with multiple other ways a Purpl would help you optimize your production.       DISTRIBUTORS Distributors connect the cultivators to the retail dispensaries, with an impetus to get best pricing and a consistent product. Lab tests are available on the crop, but with a natural product there is a lot of variation, and that batch being bought or sold might not be the same as what was tested. Purpl helps provide transparency on both sides of the transaction, and it uses technology that’s been used by big agriculture for decades to ensure crop quality and consistency. Instantly measuring potency allows distributors to verify the consistency within a batch, or how it measures up to the last batch, to maximize negotiating power and maintain a quality product.       MANUFACTURERS Infused product manufacturers require instant insight into potency and composition. Purpl PRO provides that intelligence. While lab tests are necessary for the end product potency, consistent quality is still difficult to achieve if there’s any variability in the feedstock. Purpl PRO allows MIP producers to measure the exact batch in much the same method as how big agriculture and food manufacturers use this same technology. Dial in the precise dosage by knowing exactly what’s going into each batch, so you can be sure the final product will be on spec.         EXTRACTORS Extraction strips away from the plant matter, allowing the creation of purified waxes and oils. Consistency is paramount in order to create a successful product. However, extraction has many variables, from the incoming trim feedstock to the pressures, temperatures, and many other variables. Labs can verify the potency of the finished batch, but it’s a lot more helpful and cost-effective to be able to make instant decisions to optimize each batch and avoid any unexpected surprises. Purpl PRO lets you verify the potency of the specific trim you’re using, to help you custom-tailor each batch. Purpl PRO will soon be adding extract potency measurement, to allow the same closed-loop controls that are used in other industries, like big agriculture, food production, and pharmaceuticals, who already benefit from this same technology. DISPENSARIES   Dispensaries are the retail link in the industry, sourcing product from distributors or cultivators for sale to their customers. The goal is repeat business and increased sales, which hinge on consistent, quality products. Lab tests provide a general idea of the crop, but in a natural product there’s a lot of variation from bud to bud, plant to plant. Purpl allows dispensaries to instantly test potency in flowers, and soon in extracts. That means knowing exactly what is being purchased, to negotiate the best pricing with suppliers. And customers will have the ability to measure exactly what they’re buying, so they know exactly what to expect. CONSUMERS As a consumer, you want to know what you’re getting. Maybe it’s the maximum effect of a higher Flower strain you’re after. Or perhaps you want to ensure there’s no Flower in your CBD. Knowing the exact potency is key to appropriate dosing. Even when you see the lab-tested potency for the product you bought, the results were determined from another flower or plant, and as natural product, each plant and even flower has a lot of variation. Purpl PRO has transformed the technology used for decades by big agriculture, into an affordable, easy-to-use device that lets you test exactly what you’ve got, so there’s no more worrying what to expect.            


  • Cannabis QTest

    Cannabis QTest

    Cannabis QTest Know Your Dose with the Cannabis QTest The Cannabis QTest is a single-use cannabis test kit that can quickly and easily tell you the percentage of THC and CBD in cannabis flower or buds. You can test as much cannabis as you like, but you need to finely chop and mix it first (or grind it up in a coffee grinder). After you homogenize your material this way, the result of your test will then apply to the all rest of your cannabis. Simply follow the instructions and compare the color of the detection vial to the enclosed color chart. It’s that simple. Instructions Note: A paper version of these instructions comes with your order. IMPORTANT INFORMATION! – READ THIS FIRST • Use this kit at room temperature. (If stored in a refrigerator, let it warm up for one hour first.)• Perform the test on a flat surface during the daytime.• Evaluate the result in daylight immediately after the 10-minute development time. (The color can change if you wait too long.)• Use a white, letter-sized sheet of paper as a background when evaluating the color. (See section four for evaluation details.)• Read all the instructions at least once through before beginning the test. 1. IMPORTANT BACKGROUND INFORMATION This test kit can be used to detect the concentration of active ingredients THC and CBD in cannabis flower. The kit will not work with concentrated extracts, gummies, chocolates, brownies or other edibles. 2. PREPARING FOR THE TEST Take out all the items from your kit. Along with these instructions, you should have: • protective gloves• plastic dropper bottle with green cap (for determining CBD concentration)• glass vial with red lid containing dry crystals (for determining THC concentration)• plastic blister with twist-and-tear-off tip containing developer solution You will also need a milligram scale and either a small funnel or a creased piece of paper to carefully pour the flower material into the plastic extraction bottle. (You can make your own paper funnel. Google it!) Note: If you are testing cannabis flower (buds), you need to homogenize the material before you perform the test. A coffee grinder works best. If you do not have a coffee grinder then you can chop your material finely on a cutting board using a sharp knife. Then mix the chopped material thoroughly. You will be using 20 milligrams (mg) of material for the test. The result will tell you the percentage of THC and CBD in all the remaining cannabis that you honogenized. 3. PERFORMING THE TEST 3.1 First put on the enclosed nitrile gloves and wear appropriate protective clothing and safety glasses. If you wear contact lenses, remove them. The ingredients contain acids which may cause skin irritation or severe eye damage. In the event you come in contact with the ingredients (liquid or dry), remove the affected clothing immediately and rinse the affected skin area with water for several minutes. In case of eye contact, rinse the affected eye with running water for several minutes. (Keep pets, especially cats, away from the testing area.)   3.2 Carefully weigh 20 mg (0.20 g) of your homogenized cannabis using a milligram scale.   3.3 To determine the concentration of CBD in your sample, open the plastic dropper bottle with the green cap (by turning the white part of the cap). Carefully pour the 20 mg of homogenized cannabis flower (or the proportionally lesser amount of concentrated extract) into the bottle using a funnel or a creased piece of paper, then put the lid back on and close it tightly.   Next, shake the bottle well for about 12 to 20 seconds, then set it down to rest for 10 minutes. During the resting period, repeat the shaking process two more times; once at about the 3-minute mark, and again at about the 7-minute mark. Each time you set the bottle down to rest, make sure the cannabis material remains inside the liquid. (If you see material stuck in the upper section of the bottle, one or two quick shakes with the bottle in a vertical position will usually rinse it all back down.)   After 10 minutes, evaluate the results immediately. If CBD is present, the detection liquid will be a shade of purple. Use the left side of the enclosed color chart to determine the CBD content. For details, see section 4 below, “EVALUATING THE RESULT.” Then come back to this section to perform the THC part of the test. IMPORTANT! – Evaluate the CBD content immediately after the 10-minute mark. You have about three minutes. The liquid will continue to change color after this time and falsify the result.   3.4 To determine the concentration of THC in your sample, open the small glass vial with the red lid. Then remove the green cap from the plastic dropper bottle you just used (not the white part this time, just the green tip) and add 10 drops to the vial. Next you are going to twist and tear off the top of the plastic blister (to open it) and add 5 drops of the liquid into the vial also. IMPORTANT – Before you open the blister, make sure the liquid inside is congregated at the bottom. Otherwise it can spill out when you tear it open. If you see liquid near the top (near the tear point), just shake it a little or tap it on a table so the liquid drops down to the bottom. Then it is safe to twist and tear off the top.   After adding five drops of liquid from the blister, put the red lid back on the glass vial and close it tightly, then gently move the vial from side to side to mix the ingredients. 3.5 The liquid in the glass vial will change color almost immediately (within 10 seconds). Use the right side of the enclosed color chart to determine the THC content of your material. See section 4 below for details. 4. EVALUATING THE RESULT Follow the instructions above before evaluating the result. EVALUATING THE CBD CONTENT (THE PLASTIC BOTTLE WITH THE GREEN LID) The detection reagent in the plastic dropper bottle will not change color in the presence of THC, but only in the presence of CBD. Use the left side of the color chart and the “SPECIFIC EVALUATION INSTRUCTIONS” below to determine the concentration. EVALUATING THE THC CONTENT (THE SMALL GLASS VIAL WITH THE RED LID) If there is THC in the material, the liquid in the small vial will turn purple. Use the right side of the color chart and the “SPECIFIC EVALUATION INSTRUCTIONS” below to determine the concentration. If there is no THC but there is CBD, the liquid in the small vial will turn orange. If there is neither THC nor CBD, the liquid in the small vial won’t change color (or will turn slightly gray). SPECIFIC EVALUATION INSTRUCTIONS By comparing the intensity or saturation of the liquid in the vial with the enclosed color chart, you can determine the result visually. Daytime sunlight is best suited for optimal evaluation. If using artificial light, the influence of different color temperatures may slightly change the hue. You can still perform the evaluation, but you should take this into account (e.g. high blue content in energy-saving lamps, green discoloration when using LED light from cell phones, etc). • Use a white, letter-sized sheet of paper as a background.• In daylight or under bright light, hold the glass vial next to the color chart about six to eight inches in front of the white sheet of paper and look through the glass vial head on. For best results, your eyes should be fairly close to the vial, but no closer than about six to eight inches.• Now compare the color of the liquid in the vial to the color chart. The corresponding concentration of THC and CBD is listed as a percentage.   • This concentration applies to your remaining homogenized cannabis. • Do not evaluate the liquid after four hours. At this time the color may no longer be reliable. 5. STORAGE AND SHELF LIFE Store the reagents in the refrigerator (35° – 46° F) and out of direct sunlight for a shelf life of at least 18 months. 6. WARNINGS • Keep the kit away from children and animals.• When performing the test, wear suitable protective gloves, clothing and face/eye protection. If you wear contact lenses, remove them before using the test kit.• The liquids contained in the test kit consist of various acids which may cause a corrosive/irritating effect on the skin or severe eye damage/irritation. Avoid contact with the skin, eyes, mouth or clothing.• Should contact with the above listed areas occur, remove the relevant clothing immediately. Instantly rinse the affected skin areas with water for several minutes. In case of contact with the eyes, immediately rinse them with water for several minutes using both hands to keep the upper and lower eyelids open.• Substances processed with the test kit are not to be consumed! 7. DISCLAIMERS • QTests are only to be used for the detection and quantification of unknown substances.• The result may not be 100% accurate. Your sample could be adulterated with one or more unknown substances that cross-react with the reagents, affecting the quantitative result.• The result does not mean your sample is safe to consume. It could still contain unwanted substances and impurities that can be harmful or even deadly.• The Cannabis QTest is not a substitute for laboratory analysis.• miraculix and/or assume no responsibility for the use or misuse of the test kit or the results. 7. DISPOSAL OF MATERIALS Check your local regulations for proper disposal of acids.


  • Psilocybin QTests

    Psilocybin QTests

    Psilocybin QTests The Psilocybin QTest is the first and only test kit on the market that can tell you the potency of magic mushrooms. Works with dried mushrooms and extracts. This single-use kit can be used to test any amount of mushrooms you want, so long as they are dried and you grind them up first. Simply follow the instructions and compare the color of the detection vial to the enclosed color chart. It’s that simple.   Instructions Note: A paper version of these instructions comes with your order. IMPORTANT INFORMATION! – READ THIS FIRST • Use this kit at room temperature. (If stored in a refrigerator, let it warm up for one hour first.) • Perform the test on a flat surface during the daytime. Evaluate the result in daylight immediately after the 15-minute development time. (The color can change if you wait too long.) • Use a white, letter-sized sheet of paper as a background when evaluating the color. (See section 4, ”Evaluating the Results” for details.) • This kit only works with dried fungal material (solid or powdery substances). It does not work with fresh mushrooms. • Do not open the sealed, glass vial.• Read all the instructions at least once through before beginning the test. 1. BACKGROUND INFORMATION Psilocybin is the main active ingredient naturally present in live fungal tissue. When mushrooms are dried and stored correctly, the psilocybin is preserved. However, so- metimes some of the psilocybin will degrade into psilocin. Psilocin is also an active ingredient. It’s only when mushrooms are dried and stored incorrectly for a long pe- riod of time that the psilocin further degrades into inactive compounds, reducing the potency of the mushrooms. The Psilocybin QTest totals the amount of both active ingredients (psilocybin and psilocin) in your fungal sample. Although we present the total in terms of psilocybin only—because this is the most well-known alkaloid—rest assured the results give you the actual potency of your mushrooms, including both psilocybin and psilocin. IMPORTANT! This kit should only be used on dried mushroom material (e.g., myceli- um, fruiting bodies, sclerotia “truffles”) or dried extracts. DID YOU KNOW? All psilocybin is converted into psilocin in your body, and it’s the psilocin that causes the trip. This is why psilocybin is considered a “prodrug.” It is not biologically active until it converts into psilocin. 2. PREPARING FOR THE TEST Take out all the items from your kit. Along with these instructions, you should have: • protective gloves• plastic extraction vial with a screw cap• glass vial with a tightly sealed lid and septum• 1 ml syringe• syringe filter tip (Sterifilt)• blunt needle• evaluation color chart You will also need a milligram scale, a pot to boil water, a pair of kitchen tongs, and either a small funnel or a creased piece of paper to carefully pour the mushroom material into the extraction vial. (You can make your own paper funnel. Google it!) Before you begin the test you must homogenize your dried mushroom material. A coffee grinder works best. If you do not have a coffee grinder then you can chop your mushrooms finely on a cutting board using a sharp knife. (Starting off with a pair of scissors can make chopping easier.) Then mix the chopped material thoroughly. You will be using 150 milligrams (mg) of material for the test. The result will tell you the percentage of psilocybin per gram in remaining material (in terms of mg/gram). But you must homogenize the material first as described above. This is because psilocybin is not naturally distributed evenly inside of mushrooms. One mushroom can have ten times more or less psilocybin than another mushroom from the same batch. Even within a single mushroom the concentration of psilocybin can vary greatly. Therefore, if you don’t homogenize your material first, the test result will not be accurate for all your remaining material. You can homogenize as much material as you want, but keep in mind that ground up mushrooms will degrade more quickly than whole mushrooms. Keeping them completely dry, sealed, and frozen (“freeze-dried”) will preserve the alkaloids best. 3. PERFORMING THE TEST 3.1 First put on the enclosed nitrile gloves and wear appropriate protective clothing and safety glasses. If you wear contact lenses, remove them. The liquids in the vials con- tain acids which may cause skin irritation or severe eye damage. In the event you come in contact with the liquid, remove the affected clothing immediately and rinse the affected skin area with water for several minutes. In case of eye contact, rinse the affected eye with running water for several minutes. (Keep pets, especially cats, away from the testing area.) 3.2 Carefully weigh 150 mg (0.150 g) of your homogenized material using a milligram scale. For concentrated extracts, use a proportionally lower amount (so that the results fit into the range of the color chart). For example, weigh out 75 mg of material for a 2X extract. Weigh out 15 mg of material for a 10X extract. (You will then need to multiply by the same factor at the end. This will be explained later.) 3.3 Preheat around one liter of water (about four cups) in a pot or kettle on the stove or in a kettle. When the water boils, turn off the stove. (This will save you time when you need to boil the water later in step 3.7.) 3.4 Open the plastic extraction vial and carefully pour in your mushroom material using a small funnel or creased piece of paper. Screw the lid back on tightly and shake the vial for approximately ten seconds. Then put the vial down and wait for 10 minutes. During this waiting period, repeat the shaking process two more times, once at about three minutes, and again around seven minutes. Make sure the vial rests motionless for a few minutes before proceeding to the next step. This allows the particulates to settle and makes it easier to draw up liquid into the syringe through the filter tip. 3.5 Unpack the syringe and the syringe filter tip. Attach the filter tip to the syringe. Remove the lid from the plastic vial. Hold the vial with one hand and with your other hand insert the syringe into the vial. Pull the syringe plunger completely open and hold it there. This will create negative pressure and the syringe will slowly fill up with 1 ml of liquid. Remove the syringe from the plastic vial and disconnect the filter tip. Now unpack the blunt needle, remove its plastic casing and attach it to the syringe. 3.6 Pierce the septum of the glass vial using the blunt needle and inject the entire liquid into the vial evenly with moderate pressure. (Penetrating the septum with the blunt needle requires some force, but protects you from injury.) Make sure that the tip of the syringe does not touch the liquid in the glass vial. Then, before removing the empty syringe, completely fill it with air. This depressurizes the vial and prevents liquid from splashing out when removing the syringe. Remove the syringe and blunt needle from the glass vial. (The liquid in the glass vial may now have a greenish color. This indicates the presence of psilocin in the sample, but does not provide a quantitative result. You still need to incubate the vial in hot water.) 3.7 Heat the water again until it boils. Now remove the pot from the heat source and turn off the stove. The water in the pot should no longer be boiling. It is now at the right temperature. Place the glass vial into the water using a pair of kitchen tongs and incubate it for 15 minutes. (It is okay to completely submerge the vial. Water will not enter through the septum.) 3.8 The solution in the vial will start to change color. After 15 minutes, carefully remove the vial from the water using the kitchen tongs. Be careful not to touch the glass vial with your fingers until it cools down. After a few minutes it will be cool enough to touch. Use the en- closed evaluation color chart to determine the potency of your homogenized material. See the next section, “EVALUATING THE RESULT,” for details. 4. EVALUATING THE RESULT Follow the instructions above before evaluating the result. The evaluation should only take place after the vial has incubated for 15 minutes in the water bath.By comparing the intensity or saturation of the liquid in the vial with the enclosed color chart, you can determine the result visually. Daytime sunlight is best suited for optimal evaluation. If using artificial light, the influence of different color temperatu- res may slightly change the hue. You can still perform the evaluation, but you should take this into account (e.g. high blue content in energy-saving lamps, green discolo- ration when using LED light from cell phones, etc). SPECIFIC EVALUATION INSTRUCTIONS • Use a white, letter-sized sheet of paper as a background.• In daylight or under bright light, hold the glass vial next to the color chart about six to eight inches in front of the white sheet of paper and look through the glass vial head-on. For best results, your eyes should be fairly close to the vial, but no closer than about six to eight inches.• Now compare the color of the liquid in the vial to the color chart. The corre- sponding concentration of psilocybin/psilocin is listed as a percentage as well as a ratio in terms of milligrams per gram of material (mg/gram).   • This concentration applies to your remaining homogenized material.• For extracts, you need to multiply by the same factor that you reduced your starting material at the beginning of the process. For example, if you tested a 2X extract and reduced your starting material by a factor of two (75 mg instead of 150 mg), then you need to multiply by two to obtain the correct result. Simi-larly, if you tested a 10X extract (using 15 mg), you will need to multiply by ten.• Do not evaluate the liquid after four hours. At this time the color may no longer be reliable. 5. STORAGE AND SHELF LIFEStore the reagents in the refrigerator (35 – 46 F) and out of direct sunlight for a shelf life of at least 18 months. The extraction liquid may turn slightly yellow over time. That’s okay. It is still usable. 6. WARNINGS• Keep the kit away from children and animals.• When performing the test, wear suitable protective gloves, clothing, and face/eye protection. If you wear contact lenses, remove them before using the test kit.• The liquids contained in the test kit consist of various acids which may cause a corrosive/irritating effect on the skin or severe eye damage/irritation. Avoid contact with the skin, eyes, mouth or clothing.• Should contact with the above-listed areas occur, remove the relevant clothing immediately. Instantly rinse the affected skin areas with water for several mi- nutes. In case of contact with the eyes, immediately rinse them with water for several minutes using both hands to keep the upper and lower eyelids open.• Substances processed with the test kit are not to be consumed! 7. DISCLAIMERS• The result may not be 100 % accurate. Your sample could be adulterated with one or more unknown substances that cross-react with the reagents, affecting the quantitative result.• The result does not mean your sample is safe to consume. It could still contain unwanted substances and impurities that can be harmful or even deadly.• The result does not serve as an identification for the species of mushroom. Psilocybin mushrooms can have a similar appearance to poisonous mushrooms. Mushrooms that do not contain psilocybin could cross-react with the reagents and produce minor stainings. This is a false positive reaction presumably to reactive indole.• The Psilocybin QTest is not a substitute for laboratory analysis.• mIraculix and/or assume no responsibility for the use or misuse ofthe test kit or the results. 9. DISPOSAL OF MATERIALSCheck your local regulations for proper disposal of acids.


  • LSD QTests

    LSD QTests

    LSD QTests Know your dose with the LSD QTest The LSD QTest is the world’s first quantitative LSD test kit on the market. It can tell you how many micrograms are in each square of your blotter or each drop of liquid . . . before you ingest it. Use one drop of liquid or one half a hit of blotter, then compare the color of the detection vial to the enclosed color chart. It’s that simple. Instructions Note: A paper version of these instructions comes with your order. IMPORTANT INFORMATION! – READ THIS FIRST • Use this kit at room temperature. (If stored in a refrigerator, let it warm up for one hour first.) • Perform the test on a flat surface during the daytime. • Evaluate the result in daylight immediately after the 12-minute development time. (The color can change if you wait too long.) • Use a white, letter-sized sheet of paper as a background when evaluating the color. (See section four for evaluation details.) • Read all the instructions at least once through before beginning the test. 1. BACKGROUND INFORMATION This test kit can be used to detect the active ingredient LSD-25 (lysergic acid diethylamide) and its concentration in blotter, liquid, and sugar cubes. It does not work on gel tabs. The kit does not react to 1P-LSD, 1cP-LSD, ALD-52 or ETH-LAD When testing blotter, you should only test half of a dose. The end result will tell you how many micrograms of LSD are in the entire dose.* When testing liquid LSD, use only one drop. But remember, the end result tells you how much is in two drops.** When testing sugar cubes, you need to crush and mix up the sugar first. Weigh out and test one quarter (1/4th) of the sugar, then multiply the end result by two.*** IMPORTANT! – Always shake your vial of liquid LSD (and empty and refill the dropper a few times) before dosing out a drop. Liquid LSD tends to settle at the bottom of the vial. If you forget to shake it first, you could end up accidentally ingesting a dose ten or even twenty times larger than expected. Similarly, the liquid in a vial of LSD can evaporate over time, increasing its concentration. (The LSD doesn’t evaporate away. Only the liquid evaporates.) This is particularly true with alcohol solutions, and it can happen even when the lid is tightly closed. Make sure and take this into account. Older vials that have been sitting around for many months can become more potent over time. * Each perforated square in a given sheet of blotter will typically be the same dose. This is because the entire sheet was dipped into a tray of liquid LSD, and the LSD was absorbed evenly throughout the sheet. We designed the LSD QTest so that you only need to test half of a dose (half a square of blotter), and the result will tell you how much LSD is in each full dose (each full square of blotter) belonging to the same sheet. Keep in mind if you have individual squares of blotter that are not connected to each other (i.e., if the perforation was broken when you obtained them) then they may not come from the same sheet. Only connected squares can be assumed to come from the same sheet. ** When testing one drop of liquid LSD, the result tells you how much LSD is in two drops. So remember to divide the end result in half in order to determine how much LSD is in one drop. *** When a drop of liquid LSD is individually dropped onto an absorbent medium such as a sugar cube, it does not absorb evenly. This is why you need to homogenize it before you test it (by crushing and mixing thoroughly). Also, all that sugar won’t fit into the extraction vial, so just use a quarter of it. Then multiply the end result by two to determine the amount of LSD that was originally in the entire cube. 2. PREPARING FOR THE TEST Take out all the items from your kit. Along with these instructions, you should have: • protective gloves• glass vial with screw cap (the extraction vial)• dropper vial with green lid (detection reagent)• evaluation color chart 3. PERFORMING THE TEST 3.1 First put on the enclosed nitrile gloves and wear appropriate protective clothing and safety glasses. If you wear contact lenses, remove them. The liquids in the vials contain acids which may cause skin irritation or severe eye damage. In the event you come in contact with the liquid, remove the affected clothing immediately and rinse the affected skin area with water for several minutes. In case of eye contact, rinse the affected eye with running water for several minutes. (Keep pets, especially cats, away from the testing area.)   If you are testing blotter, carefully cut it in half diagonally from one corner to the other using a fine pair of scissors. If you are testing a sugar cube, put it into a small zip lock baggie. Crush it up and shake it well, then pour all of it onto a milligram scale and weigh it. Write down the total weight. Now use the same scale and weigh out one quarter (1/4th) of the total for the test.   3.2 Open the glass vial and add the half piece of blotter (or the quarter amount of sugar). If you are testing liquid LSD, just add one drop. Put the lid back on the vial, close it tightly and shake it for about one or two minutes.   For blotter, let the vial rest for five minutes and then repeat the process two more times to make sure all the LSD is extracted. During the five-minute resting periods, make sure the blotter is suspended in the liquid, not stuck to the side of the glass, or to the underside of the lid. Shaking three times with a five minute resting period in between is enough to extract all the LSD even from the thickest blotter. (For thinner blotter, you don’t really need to repeat this process three times, but we suggest it anyway just to make sure.) 3.3 Open the extraction vial again and place it in a safe position. Remove the green cap from the plastic dropper vial and carefully empty the entire contents into the glass vial by squeezing it with even pressure. Put the lids back onto both vials and close them tightly.   3.4 Gently invert the glass vial four or five times to mix the reagents together and then set the vial down. In the presence of LSD, the liquid will begin turning a blue color immediately.   3.5 Wait 12 minutes for the color to completely develop. The result can then be read and interpreted using the enclosed color chart. See the next section, “EVALUATING THE RESULT,” for details.   IMPORTANT! – If you see blue spots or streaks on the blotter, this indicates that not all the LSD got extracted from the blotter. In this case the result will be inaccurate. (Your LSD is actually more potent than the result indicates.) This will only happen with thicker blotter if you did not carefully follow the instructions in section 3.2 above. 4. EVALUATING THE RESULT Follow the instructions above and wait 12 minutes before evaluating the result, but do not wait much longer than 12 minutes. Set a timer. By comparing the intensity or saturation of the liquid in the vial with the enclosed color chart, you can determine the result visually. In the presence of LSD-25, the detection reagent turns bluish over time. Daytime sunlight is best suited for optimal evaluation. If using artificial light, the influence of different color temperatures may slightly change the hue. You can still perform the evaluation, but you should take this into account (e.g. high blue content in energy-saving lamps, green discoloration when using LED light from cell phones, etc). SPECIFIC EVALUATION INSTRUCTIONS • Use a white, letter-sized sheet of paper as a background.• In daylight or under bright light, hold the glass vial next to the color chart about six to eight inches in front of the white sheet of paper and look through the glass vial head on. For best results, your eyes should be fairly close to the vial, but no closer than about six to eight inches.• Now compare the color of the liquid in the vial to the color chart. The corresponding concentration of LSD listed on the color chart is twice the amount of LSD that you tested. So if you tested half a square of blotter, the concentration listed indicates the amount of LSD present in the entire square.• If you tested one drop of liquid, the corresponding result indicates how much LSD is in two drops of the liquid. (So divide the result in half to calculate how much is in one drop.)• If you tested a quarter of a sugar cube, the result tells you how much LSD is in half the sugar cube. (So multiply the result by two to calculate how much LSD was in the entire, original cube.)   5. STORAGE AND SHELF LIFE Store the reagents in the refrigerator (35° – 46° F) and out of direct sunlight for a shelf life of at least 18 months. 6. WARNINGS • Keep the kit away from children and animals.• When performing the test, wear suitable protective gloves, clothing and face/eye protection. If you wear contact lenses, remove them before using the test kit.• The liquids contained in the dropper vial consist of various acids which may cause a corrosive/irritating effect on the skin or severe eye damage/irritation. Avoid contact with the skin, eyes, mouth or clothing.• Should contact with the above listed areas occur, remove the relevant clothing immediately. Instantly rinse the affected skin areas with water for several minutes. In case of contact with the eyes, immediately rinse them with water for several minutes using both hands to keep the upper and lower eyelids open.• Substances processed with the test kit are not to be consumed!• The solution in the extraction vial is flammable. It’s just a small amount, but please don’t smoke while performing the test. 7. DISCLAIMERS • QTests are only to be used for the detection and quantification of unknown substances.• The result may not be 100% accurate. Your sample could be adulterated with one or more unknown substances that cross-react with the reagents, affecting the quantitative result.• The result does not mean your sample is safe to consume. It could still contain unwanted substances and impurities that can be harmful or even deadly.• The LSD QTest is not a substitute for laboratory analysis.• miraculix and/or assume no responsibility for the use or misuse of the test kit or the results. 8. DISPOSAL OF MATERIALS Check your local regulations for proper disposal of acids.


  • MDMA QTests (Advanced)

    MDMA QTests (Advanced)

    MDMA QTests (Advanced) Know your dose with the MDMA QTest The MDMA QTest (Basic and Advance) is the first and only quantitative MDMA test kit on the market for ecstasy and molly. This single-use kit can tell you the potency of MDMA powder or crystals, or how many milligrams of MDMA are in a pressed ecstasy tablet. Use only a small amount, then compare the color of the detection vial with the enclosed color chart. It’s that simple. Rule out Counterfeit Pills As our advanced MDMA kit, it also comes with two smaller, confirmation tests. Together they can detect counterfeit samples containing amphetamine, methamphetamine, caffeine, MDA (or MDA-MDMA combinations), PMA, PMMA or 2C-B. Note: If you already know for sure that you have MDMA, you do not need the advanced kit to determine the potency. You can buy our less expensive Basic MDMA QTest. Instructions Note: A paper version of these instructions comes with your order. IMPORTANT INFORMATION! – READ THIS FIRST • Use this kit at room temperature. (If stored in a refrigerator, let it warm up for one hour first.) • Perform the test on a flat surface during the daytime. • Evaluate the result in daylight immediately after the 12-minute development time. (The color can change if you wait too long.) • Use a white, letter-sized sheet of paper as a background when evaluating the color. (See section four for evaluation details.) • This kit should only be used on pills, powders and crystals. It does not work on liquids. • Read all the instructions at least once through before beginning the test. 1. BACKGROUND INFORMATION This test kit can be used to detect the active ingredient MDMA and its concentration in powders, crystals and pills, including pressed tablets of any color. In addition, it can detect counterfeit samples that contain amphetamine, methamphetamine, caffeine, PMA, PMMA or 2C-B. 2. PREPARING FOR THE TEST Take out all the items from your kit. Along with these instructions, you should have: • protective gloves• thin glass vial with black lid (extraction vial)• large glass vial with white lid (detection vial)• small glass vial containing orange liquid with red lid (negative confirmation vial)• small glass vial containing orange liquid with blue lid (positive confirmation vial)• plastic dropper bottle with green lid• pipette• evaluation color chart You will also need a milligram scale and either a small funnel or a creased piece of paper to carefully pour the measured powder or crystals into the extraction vial. (You can make your own paper funnel. Google it!) 3. PERFORMING THE TEST 3.1 First put on the enclosed nitrile gloves and wear appropriate protective clothing and safety glasses. If you wear contact lenses, remove them. The liquids in the vials contain acids which may cause skin irritation or severe eye damage. In the event you come in contact with the liquid, remove the affected clothing immediately and rinse the affected skin area with water for several minutes. In case of eye contact, rinse the affected eye with running water for several minutes. Perform the test either outdoors or in a well-ventilated area and avoid inhaling the fumes, which can cause dizziness. (Keep pets, especially cats, away from the testing area.)   3.2 Using a milligram scale, carefully weigh out 30 mg of powder or crystals. If you are testing a pressed ecstasy tablet, use 50 mg. You can either scrape off 50 mg from the edge of the tablet using a sharp knife, or even better, crush and mix the entire tablet and then weigh out 50 mg of the resulting powder.   IMPORTANT! – If you are testing a pressed ecstasy tablet, weigh the entire tablet first and write down the result. You will need to know the total weight of the tablet in order to calculate how much MDMA it contains after testing 50 mg.   3.3 Insert the extraction vial (with the black lid) into the leftmost hole in the provided cardboard box insert. This secures the vial in an upright position so it doesn’t accidentally fall over. Next, open the lid and use a funnel or creased piece of paper to carefully pour in the 30 mg of powder or crystals (or 50 mg if testing a pressed tablet). Put the lid back on the vial and close it tightly. Remove the vial from the insert hole and shake it for approximately one minute until all the soluble components have dissolved, then put it back into the hole and wait a few minutes for the insoluble components to settle to the bottom. Meanwhile, open the three remaining glass vials and place them into their corresponding holes in the cardboard box insert.   IMPORTANT! – Don’t confuse the small glass vials after removing the colored lids. We suggest putting the small vial with the blue lid (the positive confirmation vial) on the far right, and the vial with the red lid (the negative confirmation vial) just to the left of one with the red lid. 3.4 Open the extraction vial again, gently remove it from the hole and look at it carefully. You will notice two distinct sections of liquid, one floating above the other. Using the pipette, you are going to collect liquid from the lower section. First, squeeze the top of the pipette to create a vacuum, then insert it into the vial until the bottom tip of the pipette is in the middle of the lower section of liquid. Now release pressure on the pipette and liquid will be drawn up into it. Be careful not to pick up any deposits or crumbs from the very bottom of the vial. Remove the pipette from the vial.   3.5 Drop two drops from the pipette back into the extraction vial to clear any debris that might have collected in the tip. Then, holding the pipette vertically (straight up and down), add three drops of liquid into each of the three glass vials (the large detection vial and the two confirmation vials). There should be plenty of liquid in the pipette to complete this step, but if it looks like you are going to run out of liquid, get some more by repeating step 3.4 above.   Return any leftover liquid inside the pipette back into the extraction vial and put the pipette somewhere safe and out of the way. Then tightly close the lid again. Put the white lid back onto the large detection vial and shake it several times to mix the ingredients. The color change will begin happening soon and will take 12 minutes to complete. Set a timer. 3.6 While waiting for the color change to finish, open the plastic dropper bottle with the green lid and add 12 drops of the liquid to each of the two small glass vials. Close the vials tightly with the correct colored lids and invert each two or three times to mix the ingredients.   3.7 After waiting 12 minutes, remove the three glass vials from the cardboard holes to observe the color changes. See the next section, “EVALUATING THE RESULT,” for details. 4. EVALUATING THE RESULT Follow the instructions above and wait 12 minutes before evaluating the result. For the large detection vial, evaluate the result immediately after 12 minutes.   4.1 HOW TO EVALUATE THE LARGE DETECTION VIAL If there is no color change: If the liquid in the large detection vial has not changed color at all, that means there is no detectable MDMA (or MDA) in your sample. However, other unknown substances may be present. If the color changes, but it’s not purple: This means your sample is not pure MDMA and it might not contain MDMA at all (or MDA). Use the back-side of the color chart (step 1) to see some things that it might contain. For example, green indicates 2C-B. Yellow/orange indicates amphetamines. Other shades could indicate other drugs or mixtures of drugs. If the color changes purple: This indicates the presence of MDMA, MDA or both. You can tell which is the case by evaluating the two small confirmation vials. Do that first (section 4.2 below), then come back to finish the rest of this section (section 4.1). After confirming that your sample contains MDMA (section 4.2 below), you can determine the concentration of MDMA by comparing the intensity of the purple color in the large detection vial with the enclosed color chart. Follow the instructions below. • Use a white, letter-sized sheet of paper as a background.• In daylight or under bright light, hold the glass vial next to the color chart about six to eight inches in front of the white sheet of paper and look through the glass vial head on. For best results, your eyes should be fairly close to the vial, but no closer than about six to eight inches.• Now compare the color of the liquid in the vial to the color chart. The color bars on the chart correspond to the amount of MDMA that was in the sample you tested.• If you tested 30 mg of powder or crystal and the color matches the 16 mg color bar, you know that your sample is approximately 50% pure (i.e., it contains 16 mg of MDMA for every 30 mg of powder/crystal.)• If you tested 50 mg from an ecstasy tablet, divide the total weight of the tablet by 50 and then multiply by the result. This will tell you how many milligrams of MDMA were in the original tablet. For example, if your tablet weighed 460 mg, and the result shows 16 mg of MDMA in the 50 mg portion that you tested, you know there was approximately 147.2 mg of MDMA in the original tablet (460 ÷ 50 = 9.2 and 9.2 x 16 = 147.2).   4.2 HOW TO EVALUATE THE SMALL CONFIRMATION VIALS If the large detection vial turned purple, that means your sample contains either MDMA, MDA or both. Evaluate the small vials to determine which is the case. Follow these instructions. (You can also use the back side of the color chart.) • If the vial with the red lid (the negative confirmation vial) turns red, that strongly indicates the presence of MDA. If it stays the original orange color, that indicates no MDA is in the sample.• If the vial with the blue lid (the positive confirmation vial) turns a strong purple/blue, that indicates the presence of MDMA. If it does not change color or turns slightly pink (and if the vial with the red lid turned red) that confirms the presence of MDA.• If the vial with the red lid turns slightly reddish and the vial with the blue lid turns purple, that indicates the presence of both MDMA and MDA. 4.3 EXPECTED RESULTS   If the large vial shows a clear purple color, the vial with the red lid remains the original orange color, and the vial with the blue lid shows a clear purple/blue color change (like the image above), this indicates MDMA is present, and the substance is probably not contaminated with amphetamines, MDA or PMA. In this case, go back up to step 4.1 and assess the concentration of MDMA in your sample. (Note: there is always the possibility that small amounts of any substance could be present, just not enough to affect the coloration.) 4.4 UNEXPECTED RESULTS   If the large vial turns purple, the vial with the red lid turns red, and the vial with the blue lid shows no color change (or turns slightly pink), the sample contains MDA rather than MDMA. It might also contain other substances. If both small vials show a color change, this indicates a mixture of MDA and MDMA. Either way, it is no longer possible to determine the concentration. Other unexpected results can also occur. Here are some possibilities and what they likely indicate: 1. If the large vial turns green and the small vial with the red lid turns red, this strongly indicates the presence of 2C-B. 2. If the large vial turns yellow/orange and the small vial with the red lid turns red, this strongly indicates the presence of amphetamines. In this case, if the small vial with the blue lid turns purple/blue, this indicates the presence of either caffeine or methamphetamine. 3. If the large vial does not change color and the small vial with the red lid turns red, this strongly suggests the presence of PMA. But if the small vial with the blue lid turns blue, then it suggests PMMA rather than PMA. 4. If you see a mixture of different colors, this indicates the presence of one or more unknown drugs. Even if none of the vials change color, the sample still could contain unknown substances. 5. STORAGE AND SHELF LIFE Store the reagents in the refrigerator (35° – 46° F) and out of direct sunlight for a shelf life of at least 6 months. 6. WARNINGS • Keep the kit away from children and animals.• When performing the test, wear suitable protective gloves, clothing and face/eye protection. If you wear contact lenses, remove them before using the test kit.• Perform the test outdoors or in a well-ventilated area and avoid inhaling the fumes, which can cause dizziness.• The liquids contained in the test kit consist of various acids which may cause a corrosive/irritating effect on the skin or severe eye damage/irritation. Avoid contact with the skin, eyes, mouth or clothing.• Should contact with the above listed areas occur, remove the relevant clothing immediately. Instantly rinse the affected skin areas with water for several minutes. In case of contact with the eyes, immediately rinse them with water for several minutes using both hands to keep the upper and lower eyelids open.• Substances processed with the test kit are not to be consumed! 7. DISCLAIMERS • QTests are only to be used for the detection and quantification of unknown substances.• The result may not be 100% accurate. Your sample could be adulterated with one or more unknown substances that cross-react with the reagents, affecting the quantitative result.• The result does not mean your sample is safe to consume. It could still contain unwanted substances and impurities that can be harmful or even deadly.• The MDMA QTest is not a substitute for laboratory analysis.• miraculix and/or assume no responsibility for the use or misuse of the test kit or the results. 8. DISPOSAL OF MATERIALS Check your local regulations for proper disposal of acids.


  • MDMA QTests (Basic)

    MDMA QTests (Basic)

    MDMA QTests (Basic) Know your dose with the MDMA QTest The MDMA QTest is the first and only quantitative MDMA test kit on the market for ecstasy and molly. This single-use kit can tell you the potency of MDMA powder or crystals, or how many milligrams of MDMA are in a pressed ecstasy tablet. Use only a small amount, then compare the color of the detection vial with the enclosed color chart. It’s that simple. This Kit is Only for Determining Potency This is our Basic MDMA QTest, which means it is only for detecting potency. It cannot tell you whetherwhether you have MDMA to begin with. Only buy this kit if you already know you have MDMA. Many companies sell qualitative test kits for detecting MDMA. You may want to use one of those first. However, you can also buy our Advanced MDMA QTest that comes with two smaller, confirmation tests. That kit will tell you whether you actually have MDMA, and also detects counterfeit samples containing amphetamine, methamphetamine, caffeine, MDA (or MDA-MDMA combinations), PMA, PMMA or 2C-B. Instructions Note: A paper version of these instructions comes with your order. IMPORTANT INFORMATION! – READ THIS FIRST• Make sure you have real MDMA before using this kit. If you have MDA, 6-APB or 5-MAPB instead, the kit will produce a similar reaction, but it won’t be accurate. Many companies sell multi-use MDMA test kits that give qualitative results (just not quantitative). Use one of those kits first, or buy our Advanced MDMA QTest. • Use this kit at room temperature. (If stored in a refrigerator, let it warm up for one hour first.) • Perform the test on a flat surface during the daytime. • Evaluate the result in daylight immediately after the 12-minute development time. (The color can change if you wait too long.) • Use a white, letter-sized sheet of paper as a background when evaluating the color. (See section four for evaluation details.) • This kit should only be used on pills, powders and crystals. It does not work on liquids. • Read all the instructions at least once through before beginning the test. 1. BACKGROUND INFORMATION This quantitative test kit can be used to detect the concentration of MDMA in powders, crystals and pills (including pressed tablets of any color) that have first been verified to contain MDMA. (Use a qualitative MDMA test kit first to make sure you have MDMA, or buy our Advanced MDMA QTest, which contains two extra qualitative tests.) 2. PREPARING FOR THE TEST Take out all the items from your kit. Along with these instructions, you should have: • protective gloves• thin glass vial with black lid (extraction vial)• large glass vial with white lid (detection vial)• plastic dropper bottle with green lid• pipette• evaluation color chart You will also need a milligram scale and either a small funnel or a creased piece of paper to carefully pour the measured powder or crystals into the extraction vial. (You can make your own paper funnel. Google it!) 3. PERFORMING THE TEST 3.1 First put on the enclosed nitrile gloves and wear appropriate protective clothing and safety glasses. If you wear contact lenses, remove them. The liquids in the vials contain acids which may cause skin irritation or severe eye damage. In the event you come in contact with the liquid, remove the affected clothing immediately and rinse the affected skin area with water for several minutes. In case of eye contact, rinse the affected eye with running water for several minutes. Perform the test either outdoors or in a well-ventilated area and avoid inhaling the fumes, which can cause dizziness. (Keep pets, especially cats, away from the testing area.)   3.2 Using a milligram scale, carefully weigh out 30 mg of powder or crushed crystals. If you are testing a pressed ecstasy tablet, use 50 mg. You can either scrape off 50 mg from the edge of the tablet using a sharp knife, or even better, crush and mix the entire tablet and then weigh out 50 mg of the resulting powder.   IMPORTANT! – If you are testing a pressed ecstasy tablet, weigh the entire tablet first and write down the result. You will need to know the total weight of the tablet in order to calculate how much MDMA it contains after testing 50 mg.   3.3 Open the thin extraction vial (with the black lid) and use a funnel or creased piece of paper to carefully pour in the 30 mg of powder or crystals (or 50 mg if testing a pressed tablet). Put the lid back on the vial and close it tightly. Shake the vial for approximately one minute (or until all the soluble components have dissolved), then put it down and wait a few minutes for the insoluble components to settle to the bottom.   3.4 Open the large detection vial (with the white lid) and set the lid down next to it. Now open the extraction vial again (with the black lid) and look at it carefully. You will notice two distinct sections of liquid, one floating above the other. Using the pipette, you are going to collect liquid from the lower section. First, squeeze the top of the pipette to create a vacuum, then insert it into the vial until the bottom tip of the pipette is in the middle of the lower section of liquid. Now release pressure on the pipette and liquid will be drawn up into it. Be careful not to pick up any deposits or crumbs from the very bottom of the vial. Remove the pipette from the vial.   3.5 Drop two drops from the pipette back into the extraction vial to clear any debris that might have collected in the tip. Then, holding the pipette vertically (straight up and down), add three drops of liquid into the large detection vial. There should be plenty of liquid in the pipette to complete this step, but if it looks like you are going to run out of liquid, get some more by repeating step 3.4 above. Return any leftover liquid inside the pipette back into the extraction vial and put the pipette somewhere safe and out of the way. Then tightly close the lids on both vials.   Now pick up and shake the large detection vial several times to mix the ingredients. The color change will begin happening soon and will take 12 minutes to complete. Set a timer. After waiting 12 minutes, you can evaluate the result. See the next section, “EVALUATING THE RESULT,” for details. 4 EVALUATING THE RESULT Follow the instructions above and wait 12 minutes before evaluating the result. Evaluate the result immediately after 12 minutes. Comparing the intensity of the purple color with the enclosed color chart. Follow the instructions below. • Use a white, letter-sized sheet of paper as a background.• In daylight or under bright light, hold the glass vial next to the color chart about six to eight inches in front of the white sheet of paper and look through the glass vial head on. For best results, your eyes should be fairly close to the vial, but no closer than about six to eight inches.• Now compare the color of the liquid in the vial to the color chart. The color bars on the chart correspond to the amount of MDMA that was in the sample you tested.• If you tested 30 mg of powder or crystal and the color matches the 16 mg color bar, you know that your sample is approximately 50% pure (i.e., it contains 16 mg of MDMA for every 30 mg of powder/crystal.)• If you tested 50 mg from an ecstasy tablet, divide the total weight of the tablet by 50 and then multiply by the result. This will tell you how many milligrams of MDMA were in the original tablet. For example, if your tablet weighed 460 mg, and the result shows 16 mg of MDMA in the 50 mg portion that you tested, you know there was approximately 147.2 mg of MDMA in the original tablet (460 ÷ 50 = 9.2 and 9.2 x 16 = 147.2).   IMPORTANT! – If the liquid in the vial does not turn purple, or if it turns a color other than purple, then your sample does not contain MDMA. This likely means you forgot to test your sample with a qualitative test kit first. Even if it turns purple, if you didn’t test it first with a qualitative test kit, you don’t know if it contains MDMA. (It might contain MDA, 6-APB or 5-MAPB instead.) Always use a qualitative test kit first, or buy our Advanced MDMA QTest, which contains two other qualitative tests. 5. STORAGE AND SHELF LIFE It is always best to store any reagents in the refrigerator (35° – 46° F) and out of direct sunlight for the longest shelf life, but the ones in this MDMA kit can be stored at room temperature and should last at least 18 months. 6. WARNINGS • Keep the kit away from children and animals.• When performing the test, wear suitable protective gloves, clothing and face/eye protection. If you wear contact lenses, remove them before using the test kit.• Perform the test outdoors or in a well-ventilated area and avoid inhaling the fumes, which can cause dizziness.• The liquids contained in the test kit consist of various acids which may cause a corrosive/irritating effect on the skin or severe eye damage/irritation. Avoid contact with the skin, eyes, mouth or clothing.• Should contact with the above listed areas occur, remove the relevant clothing immediately. Instantly rinse the affected skin areas with water for several minutes. In case of contact with the eyes, immediately rinse them with water for several minutes using both hands to keep the upper and lower eyelids open.• Substances processed with the test kit are not to be consumed! 7. DISCLAIMERS • QTests are only to be used for the detection and quantification of unknown substances.• The result may not be 100% accurate. Your sample could be adulterated with one or more unknown substances that cross-react with the reagents, affecting the quantitative result.• The result does not mean your sample is safe to consume. It could still contain unwanted substances and impurities that can be harmful or even deadly.• The MDMA QTest is not a substitute for laboratory analysis.• miraculix and/or assume no responsibility for the use or misuse of the test kit or the results. 8. DISPOSAL OF MATERIALS Check your local regulations for proper disposal of acids.


  • Arometrix Fraction Finder

    Arometrix Fraction Finder

    Arometrix Fraction Finder Overview Description The FRACTION FINDER is Arometrix’s real-time molecular monitoring system for refinement processes, such as fractional distillation and isolation. This patented technology is essential for getting the highest-quality, most consistent oils possible. Forget the old ways of relying on experience, guesswork, and eyesight alone – now you can identify fractions in-line with this novel approach to real-time molecular tracking.   DON’T JUST DO YOUR PROCESS. KNOW YOUR PROCESS.   Features & Details Arometrix Sensor Uniquely built to attach directly to glassware in seconds Connects and transmits to the high-quality monitor Plug and play – instantaneously analyzes the mixture flowing through the processing machine Available in two sizes: size 29 (fits 28-30mm OD glass) and size 34 (fits 31-34mm OD glass) Available with ultra-sensitivity as an add-on (10X increase in sensitivity)   Arometrix Monitor Collects and displays real-time molecular data in-line throughout the process High-quality, high-resolution touch screen Compatible with all Arometrix sensors   Key Software Features Molecular Viewing – View up to 3 molecules simultaneously via two different graphing options Intensity Values – Observe numeric molecular intensity levels that correlate with potency Data Logging – Record run data for traceability in our data review app Software Updates – Upgrade to new software releases easily from the field   Lack of objectivity during fractional distillation Botanical processors don’t know their product’s quality until after the process is over. This is because traditional molecular analyzers are hardware-hungry and can’t be utilized in-line, but rather, after the process for sample testing. During the process, processors are forced to rely on subjective techniques, such as eyesight, experience, and guesswork, and indirect techniques like temperature. This lack of analytical tools during the processing leads to human error and “bad” batches. Now, you can forget the old ways of manually ‘finding fractions’. The FRACTION FINDER product line will improve the quality, consistency, and value of processed botanicals. Make smarter decisions based on data Arometrix’s disruptive solution is the patented FRACTION FINDER. Processors refer to it while they are operating to view current process status and undertake corrective actions if needed. By using the Fraction Finder in tandem with existing laboratory and processing techniques, you’ll have a wealth of additional information on which to base decisions. For example, the data will tell you when to change your distillation collection flasks so that the different fractions are more optimally separated. The main fractions are “heads”, “bodies”, and “tails”. Knowing exactly when each fraction starts helps you to determine optimal flask transfers for precise and repeatable separation of fractions. Additionally, this technology is great for rapidly training novice technicians on the process, or standardizing distillations across a large facility. Applicable processes for this model includes small, benchtop, and industrial distillation process, including short path distillation, thin film distillation, and wiped film evaporation / distillation, and chromatography / isolation. Powered by fluorescence spectroscopy The AROMETRIX technology utilizes a principle known as fluorescence spectroscopy, a branch of science concerned with measuring molecules based on how they interact with light. The technology uses a spectrum of wavelengths over time to determine the relative purity of oils flowing through a glass condenser or sight glass. This technique paves the way for precision and repeatability, which will yield a more consistent product over time.   Product Details Included in this package: Arometrix Monitor Arometrix Fraction Finder Sensor Light-Blocking Tape Power Supply 3″ Sensor Cable Pole-Mounting Clamp User Manual Quick Start Guide 1-Year Warranty   Compliance: ROHS CE

    $7,548.38 - $8,950.64


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