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Cargo Loss or Damage to Contents


Before you Sign Bill of Lading & While Driver is Present:

• Examine the Freight and look for any visible damage

• Rectangular-shaped holes where a forklift blade may have penetrated

• Indication that the freight sustained a tip-over or strong impact

• Indication that the freight was dented, opened, or crushed

If you DO NOT see damage to the Freight:

• Sign Bill of Lading where appropriate


If you DO see damage to the Freight:

• Write all visible damage on your Bill of Lading. Be as specific as possible

After you have signed for your delivery:

• If you noted damage on your Bill of Lading, take digital pictures of damaged boxes and products

• Within 48 hours if you find concealed product damage call the freight delivery company immediately

• Note the representative you spoke with and their contact info, date and time of delivery

Failure to report damage to freight company and request an inspection within 2 business days of delivery will waive your right to the replacement of all damaged products. Signing a Bill of Lading without inspecting the freight for damage means you acknowledge receipt of product in good condition. Your signature also means the freight company will use the Bill of Lading you signed to reject any damage claims that Marosi Designs LLC/Best Value Vacs makes on your behalf.

Contact our Customer Service immediately for assistance: Phone: (800) 562-7471



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