Best Value Vacs' Resolutions For 2018
, by Mike Pabich, 3 min reading time
, by Mike Pabich, 3 min reading time
The impending new year has us all thinking about resolutions. Resolutions often prompt us to take steps towards self-improvement. It’s the same with our business. We consider what happened, what we did well, what could’ve gone better, and improvements we can make for the coming year. All of these steps help us create tangible goals for our operations.
The impending new year has us all thinking about resolutions. Resolutions often prompt us to take steps towards self-improvement. It’s the same with our business. We consider what happened, what we did well, what could’ve gone better, and improvements we can make for the coming year. All of these steps help us create tangible goals for our operations.
Upon reflection, we’re exceptionally proud of how we conducted ourselves and our business in 2017. Looking ahead, however, our team is looking to make 2018 our most successful year yet. To borrow from the typical inspiration board, we need to “be the change we wish to see.” So, in the renewing spirit of the season, we’ve come up with some goals we’d like to achieve and keep at the forefront not just in 2018, but every year thereafter.
Explore our top products section here to get going on your goals for 2018!
In our opinion, this should be the goal of every company every year. Increasing customer satisfaction means increased production and increased sales. This creates more opportunities for product development and market research, which in turn result in more customer satisfaction. This a good cycle to set in motion.
Customer service is at the core of our business. We exist to serve our customers and help them get the most out of their operations. Our systems require premier, personalized customer support and service: if we are not successful in this, our customers are not successful, meaning we failed at our job. It’s our overarching mission to give consumers functional, high-quality tools that are empowering and integral to their own goals.
We may be engineers, scientists, and designers, but *shock* we don’t know everything. We’re constantly challenging ourselves to learn more about our field and customer behavior to enhance the overall Best Value Vacs experience. In addition, we wish to continue learning new things about each other that will not only strengthen our bond, but help us grow as a team by sharpening each other’s strengths and uplifting each other through our weaknesses.
Best Value Vacs is growing like gangbusters. While this is certainly not a bad problem to have at all - in fact, more please - it means that we need more support for ourselves. We’re looking to add individuals to our team that introduce new perspectives and ways of doing things that inspire the whole company.
Once we add new team members, this will also mean new duties, delegations, and routines for other employees. These changes may take some getting used to, but they are for the greater good of the organization.
At Best Value Vacs, it’s been one of our longtime goals to be the face of innovation in our industry. This takes failure. Sometimes, certain products won’t work. In that aspect, they have failed, but that doesn’t mean our efforts accomplished nothing. Trying new approaches with the goals of increasing customer satisfaction and product functionality have positive consequences: we learn something new and get one step closer to realizing those goals.
This year, we’re working on dozens of new products that are not easy to develop; it’s going to take time and a certain amount of failure, but we will come out on top because of it.